the customer's choice

open day where people were invited to bring whatever they wanted to see/show/share.


screening program

24th March

Frank Zappa in CNN Crossfire
CNN Crossfire (28.03.86)

The Movie Movie
Errol Morris

Born Like Stars
Steve Haddock, Brad A. Siedel

The Competition

Sour Death Balls
Jessica Yu

Meditation on Violence
Maya Deren (1948)

(unknown title, French porn version of The Matrix) [excerpt]

William Burroughs interviewed by Kathy Acker


28th April  

In The Bedroom
Raymond Petitbon

[several short videos]
Maciej Muriasz

Das Distributivgesetz
Ifuz Met

Ankara — Serdche Turkiye
[Ankara — Heart of Turkey] [excerpt]
Sergei Yutkevich (1934)

German Dada
Helmut Herbst (1969)

The Dentist
Leslie Pearce (1932)

The Fatal Glass of Beer
Clyde Bruckman (1933)

— this session was part of the two sessions elsewhere screenings at atelierfrankfurt, in the frame of the 95qm project.